Farm Fresh Fruit Crate Labels

Fruit crate labels are one of my favorite forms of illustrative advertising art.



They have so much to convey in one standard size label per crate. They are created to tell a visual story and catch the eye of the produce buyer/bidder even if they are proficient readers.  A buyer could go to market auction and be armed with only the information that the grapes with an airplane were to be avoided and the ones from the packing house with Princess labels were the best right at the moment…simple and effective.


11 thoughts on “Farm Fresh Fruit Crate Labels

  1. oh i love these colorful crate labels…i had ordered a bunch on ebay to decorate my kitchen with but that was about 3 kitchens ago and they are packed away somewhere!


  2. Great graphic! A picture is worth a thousand words they say. I remember in the “50s making a scooter out of an orange crate and old roller skates. Thanks for joining Tuesday’s Treasure and please hurry on back.


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